How to Schedule Your Images on Pinterest using Tailwind App?


How to Schedule Your Images on Pinterest using Tailwind App? We all have busy lives and we can’t be available every time to post our images for our business on Pinterest.

Busy Lives 2

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Where do you create your Pinterest Images?

You have one tool called Canva. In Canva you can create Pinterest Images which are called Pins. Pins are of different types. They can be of words, photos, words, and photos as well.

Login in Canva

Why do we recommend Canva? It is because they have the right size. You can also increase the size of those dimensions of your pin.

Pinterest Different Sizes

How to Schedule Your Images on Pinterest using Tailwind App? In this video below. I will show you step by step on how I use this software app called Tailwind APP to schedule my images in advance.

Why should you Schedule Your Pinterest Images with Tailwind?

  1. It easy to do so.
  2. You can schedule for months of content.
  3. Like most of the other social media, Tailwind can send the people right to the post or video you want.
  4. It is recommended by those of social media marketing experts.
  5. Tailwind App is affordable to pay monthly or you can pay yearly.
  6. You get the statics on how your pins are doing.
  7. Tailwind comes with Tailwind Tribe which you can share your content within that tribe and get maximum notice.
  8. They give you the first month free.
  9. When you share with your friends and they buy, you benefit as well.
  10. You can start a marketing agency using Tailwind App and run people’s Instagram or Pinterest Account.
Signup on Pinterest
Upload Pinterest Images

What are you waiting for? Get Tailwind Here FREE for the first month. Just click here. See Tailwind App is a scheduling app that makes your life much easier.

We have been using it for over one year now and we definitely recommend it for you and your business.

Cheers until next time.

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